While most senior housing assistance agencies simply take your information over the phone and then send you a list of facilities, we don’t. HOME does so much more. We are with you during each step of the process as you search for the best housing option for your loved one.
- HOME receives a telephone call or e-mail from you
During our call, HOME will gather information such as timeframe, medical conditions, level of functioning, mental capacity, overall needs, and specific requirements. When needed, HOME will also refer services such as home health, attorney or legal information, and various community resources. Perhaps there are some medical issues that need addressed to stabilize their loved one prior to moving. We make suggestions that often the Health Care System/Professionals may not have explained or made sense at that time. - Our Gerontologist conducts a personal evaluation to assess your loved one’s needs
Our Gerontologist will personally evaluate your loved one in his or her current residence. If in a medical facility, medical records will be reviewed to further assess needs and condition. If discharge plans have been outlined, they will be noted during our personal evaluation and communicated to the care providers to assure continuity of care. - HOME begins the research process to find the best home for your loved one
HOME begins the research process by matching your loved one’s needs against profiles of hundreds of senior communities stored in our database that we have personally toured and evaluated. State records are checked each and every time prior to any referral. We then contact potential options to confirm availability and ensure special requirements and level of care. HOME recommends facilities and settings that adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards. - Community tours scheduled
HOME provides you with a list of housing options that best meet your needs. The list will include phone numbers, addresses, and instructions on how to schedule a tour. If desired, HOME can schedule appointments for you as needed or can accompany you during the tours. - Community selected
You and/or your loved one decide. If requested, HOME will explore additional options. Then you will meet with personnel at the selected facility or care home to confirm your loved one’s needs and help you decide on a move-in date. - Your loved one moves in
Before and during the relocation process, HOME will act as a liaison to communicate care plans and other pertinent information. HOME is committed to ensuring this step goes smoothly for everyone involved. - HOME follows-up
During the first month of the transition, HOME will keep in touch with the contact at the facility or care home to ensure your loved one is happy and satisfied with their new home. Within two months, you will receive a survey to further assess your satisfaction with the facility. - HOME follows-up after one year
A postcard is sent to you to see if your loved one is satisfied with the care, and happy in his or her home.
Did You Know?
H.O.M.E. is compensated by the facility recommended once the placement process is complete.
- H.O.M.E. is locally Owned and Operated since 1995!
- H.O.M.E. will refer senior communities that may not offer compensation if it is the best option for the senior. We believe seniors come first and we are their advocate!